Learning how to talk, speak, and listen is one of the most basic things that each developing child should learn. Alongside learning how to understand, basic communication skills allow your kids to learn more about themselves and their peers, as … Continue reading →
Posted in Communication Skills
Infant care provides a safe and nurturing space for babies and is often the first transition they experience away from home. For working and busy parents, infant care can also mark the beginning of child education. By providing a calm, … Continue reading →
Posted in Infant Care
As parents, we need to plan which academy we want our children to be enrolled in. There are many factors that we want to check out before enrolling our kids. Here at Little Lords and Ladies Learning Academy, a well-established … Continue reading →
Posted in Uncategorized
Learning about the importance of nature at an early age helps your child become responsible and build empathy toward other living creatures. Just like the life of Christ, placing importance on cleanliness and consciousness introduces our children to be mindful … Continue reading →
Posted in Environmentally Aware Child
As parents, we need to have all the patience and communication skills needed to cater to our children’s needs. Since they are still developing at a young age, allowing them to explore and inquire at their pace and volition is … Continue reading →
Posted in Involvement
They say that child education begins and continues in the home. A school could do all it can to impart knowledge and skill to a child, but it is up to the parents to nurture those newfound talents. To become … Continue reading →
Posted in Household Chores